About The Film:
Title: The Maze RunnerStarring: Dylan O'Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter
Director: Wes Ball
Release Date: October 10th 2014 (UK)
I feel like I've been waiting for this movie for far too long. And as I live in the UK I had to wait almost a month after (what seemed like) everyone else to see it. But finally! It was released! I went with three of my friends who had also read the books and I can happily (and with an air of relief) say that I wasn't disappointed.
I was fully prepared for changes - one of the few things I have learnt from watching many book adaptations - and there were a lot. But surprisingly; I hardly noticed. It was really well made, and I had that usual feeling of being absolutely submersed in the story; which is my favourite thing about films. I thought that, especially the first half, was really well paced and cut together. Wes didn't over do the visual effects and the maze looked really realistic. As I expected the acting really was great, especially Dylan in that certain scene towards the end of the film (*cough*youknowwhatimtalkingabout*cough*). Thomas Brodie Sangster as Newt really did my favourite character justice and I just wanted to squish Blake Cooper to death.
Of course, like most films, it was not perfect. I thought the second half of the film was a little too action-y. It was pretty full on and left little room for characters. Visually, it was really pleasing but story telling wise I didn't love it. I can also imagine that as someone who hadn't read the books the ending would be extremely unsatisfying. Leaving people wanting to know what happens next but in an annoyed way rather than an excited way. Even I was a little irritated and I know what happens next.
However overall I thoroughly enjoyed it and it really did do one of my favourite books justice.
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