Summer Reading Book Haul

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Summer is one of those times that I'm a little guilty of buying a ton of books and not actually reading them, despite what I promise myself. So far I have managed to restrain myself to four books (which is a huge achievement considering I have a to-read list as long as my arm.)

The Marriage Game by Alison Weir: 
the newest of my purchases, bought at Waterstones. I'm looking forward to reading this as a long time fan of Weir and a bit of an Elizabethean history buff.

A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold by George R R Martin: 
I'm planning on reading this as soon as I finish the first ASOS book (which I've very nearly finished!). I bought this from an independent book shop in Edinburgh when I was visiting.

A Feast for Crows by George R R Martin: 
purchased at the same time as ASOS, might be some time before I read this one but I will get round to it eventually!

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantell: 
I didn't actually buy this book as it was given to me by a relative who thought I would enjoy it. And after some research of the plot and finding out that they're making a BBC drama based on it I think this one is going to be pushed up near the top of my to read list.

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