So NaNoWriMo has been going on just over a week, and well, I may be behind on my word count, but this is pretty much the longest I've been committed to writing one single piece of work and surprisingly my enthusiasm hasn't dropped. I'm pessimistic by nature, but I've taken a different approach this year that's stopped me from getting frustrated and giving up. Usually I try write the best I can all the way through, but that's exhausting and leads to me criticising my work so much so that I end up hating it. But now I'm just writing. Just typing out as much as I can in the hopes that I'll finish on time.
My current word count stands at; 8,836 words which isn't bad for someone like me who can so easily be distracted. I worked out that I need to write 1,871 words per day to finish on time which isn't astronomical especially considering that I went out last night after school so didn't write at all yesterday, nor on Tuesday.
And actually as I'm writing this I should be typing up more of my novel. If anyone would like to add me my username is; restless5oul.
Good luck my fellow writers!